
Best Speed Test Services

Now days Internet speed test becomes a very popular way for users to check their 3G wireless or home office broadband network downloading and uploading bandwidth in Kbit/S or KBytes/S, or in some cases when additional VPN connection is involved, the speed test is a good measure to verify if the VPN service provides promised network performance. So whenever you start a new internet connection, before any web browsing activities, we strongly suggest everyone to perform a reliable network connection speed test, here is our compilation of the best online network speed test websites, bookmark this website and come back to perform speed test whenever you need.

www.speedtest.net  - Global most popular speed test service provided by Ookla
www.speakeasy.net/speedtest – USA’s best speed test website since day one
www.bandwidthplace.com – Fancy speed test web from USA, Europe and Aisa
www.speed.io – All-in-one versatile network speed test and connection performance test
www.dslreports.com/stest – One of the oldest speed test service for Java, Flash and Mobile
speedtest.comcast.net – USA Internet speed test from Cable Provider ComCast
my.verizon.com/micro/speedtest/broadband – Fiber internet speed test from Verizon Fios
www.att.com/speedtest – USA ISP speed test from USA Mobile Provider AT&T
www6.sprint.com/landings/speedtest/?ECID=vanity:speedtest – CDMA data mobile network speed test from Sprint USA
www.youtube.com/my_speed – Google YouTube Video Speed 30 days History
ipv6-test.com/speedtest – Speed Test from France, Romania and India
speedtest.xmission.com – XMission Speed test web app
speedtest.vonage.com – Speed test for Vonage VOIP phone service
www.schoolspeedtest.org – USA school campus network internet speed test
speedtest.sonic.net/ookla – Internet speed check from Sonic ISP

